Tuesday, May 21, 2013

An Alpha, A Beta and You... (Part Two)

Sorry for the delay in posting, I'm working on several new posts now to play catch up.

In the first part, I talked about my friend Taylor* who was by all definition of the word, an 'alpha female'. Strong, sassy, sexy and confident, she knew what she wanted in a man and was not willing to settle. But, she was alone. One morning, over coffee, she asked me why. I could have given her a lot of "Oh you're great, and blah blah blah...", but I told her the truth. If you ask me my exact words, I'm pretty sure I said, "It isn't that you're too picky, you're just a world-class bitch." She was in disbelief. I'd tell any woman who was like my friend Taylor, that if you want a man to want you, you're gonna have to work on some things and face some harsh realities. As I could make a long list, and I don't want to bore anyone, I'll just speak on the five most common that I've seen, as I've known many a Taylor in my time.

We All Know You Can Take Care of Yourself, Boo. But He's Gotta Know HE Can, Too.
Taylor was raised to be independent and strong. However, being able to do for oneself as a single person does not mean you cut off an attempt to let someone help you once in a while. Men respect a woman that can do for herself, yes, but they won't marry someone who doesn't understand the idea of teamwork. Men have a need to guard and protect their home, and their woman. We all know you CAN do it, but imagine how much of a man he'll feel like knowing he was able to come to your aid, even if it's taking out the trash or putting together a piece of furniture. Besides, your manicure will last longer. Even Beyoncė became Mrs. Carter...**

You Are His Partner, Not His GPS.
Taylor, like most women of her nature, wanted to know where her guy was at all times. It was not due to insecurity or fear of cheating, but because she wanted to establish his routine. If her boyfriend got off work at 5pm, and his ride home was an hour, she expected him home no later than 6, maybe a few minutes more if traffic was bad. She does this because some women who are raised in her manner are often controlling. The controlling types are often creatures of routine, and if that routine varies, a man will easily walk into the 20 questions when they get home. The thing you have to ask yourself is, what man wants that...to walk home to a million questions about why they weren't home at the specified time? Men for the most part, are pretty easygoing. They crave stress-free lives as being a provider and strong is hard enough. You won't get very far by questioning his whereabouts every second of everyday. I am not saying you can't ask. Just know the difference between asking and consistently nagging. And yes, there is a difference.**

Realize He isn't a Pet Project.
Taylor was the girl who always believed a man was a project. Somehow, he needed improvement, whether it be his job, his personal style, his apartment and so on. And while that very well may have been the case, women like Taylor often confuse natural growth and development with making it their mission to change their men into what they view he should be. In doing so, it no longer becomes about his wants, needs, desires and passions as a man. If he dissents, it leads to arguments, which will lead to a breakup. She views it as help, he saw it as her attempt to control and dominate. In the long run, you have to know that people are who they are. Sometimes, it's just best to accept who and what they are, love them for it and let them be.**'

Can Dish It Out, but Can't Take It
If Taylor found a guy who she was clicking with, eventually she would tell me that she was finding small things wrong with him. I'd ask her if she had made these things known to him. In cases where she had, she was almost sure to tell me he'd said something was wrong with her. Instead of seeing where he came from, she was almost insulted. As if she were a perfect being. When I asked her to imagine how he felt about the criticism, she'd brush me off. Ironically, not too long after, they'd break up. Know that in relationships, you have to be prepared to get what you give. **

Have Plenty of Bags, But Where Are You Going?
Everyone has baggage. Some people view baggage as things going on today, others in the past. For some, baggage is people, others situations or circumstances. A woman like Taylor, her baggage is the inability to trust or have faith in anyone but herself. Due to her dominating nature, trust issues and hurt from having bad relationships in the past, Taylor and her type bring a lot of emotional baggage into any new relationship, which causes problems and creates more baggage. It creates a cycle, which has to be broken by learning to set the bags down at the door. For many in Taylor's position, man or woman, this would be the hardest of all issues to overcome, because it means to not judge someone based on the behavior of someone else, which could cause hurt. It could. But, if you are picking the right people to involve yourself with, you shouldn't be hurt. In 2013, both men and women make the choice to carry that baggage for themselves, no one else. So why not try putting it down. You'll feel lighter, your arms won't be as tired and maybe there'll be fireworks.**

You could be a woman like Taylor if one or all of the above apply to you. In Taylor's case, she had been programmed so long to support herself, there was no room for anyone else, and if a guy came along, she had too many hurdles to deal with, so any guy who was interested found himself scared off. She was either too emotionally scarred, too critical, too nitpicking, too controlling and nagging or just plain too stubborn to let anyone help her. How to help someone like a Taylor, or how to change if you are a Taylor? Stay tuned to this blog, and I'll tell you what transpired.

Ashley Robin

If you like or don't like what you've read, feel free to drop me a line in the comments section. Also, subscribe for more postings. Also, if you have a love, sex or relationship problem, feel free to share via comment or message me directly. All names mentioned in questions, situations and stories will be kept confidential.

*name changed
**Will be addressed in a future blog post all on its own, so stay tuned!

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