Thursday, June 27, 2013

Regrets in Love...

I often find myself asking why things happen. I've found that in terms of love, one could sit and wonder for hours about how things may have gone completely cray-cray. Was breaking up with the guy who loved me but was nowhere near as interesting as watching paint dry...the best decision, considering the next guy was exciting but a major asshole? Is following your heart always the best decision or can it lead you astray? 

In talking to the girls, I find that I'm not alone in these thoughts. They, like me, wonder about decisions they have mad, especially as we are inching closer to marriage years. The thought is, did a rash and perhaps hasty decision cause me to never be with 'The One'? And since such decision was made, will I spend the remainder of my life alone? Have I squandered my shot at love? 

The answer is simple. No, you haven't. An ex is that for a reason. A relationship did not work for a reason. Whether it be your fault or theirs, whether it be circumstance, other people or natural progression...that door closed for a reason. Revisiting that is a recipe for disaster.  So, unless you like disaster, like I tell my girls, let that one go, pour yourself a drink (with alcohol if 21, virgin if not) and move on. 



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